Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Left Foot Update

After taking the in-rigger off and adding the 1/2 inch wedge to the outside sole of Kevin's left shoe and receiving new orthotics, Kevin's left foot does not turn in as much.  He seems to be status quo, which is okay for now.  He's doing some walking but still not a lot because he does still turn it in especially when tired.

But Kevin got a wart on the bottom of his left heel that we had have treated and at the same time a very black toe nail...I believe a book fell on it and damaged it while he was playing his Ceiling Fan Game.  Both problems seem to be on the mend and healing nicely and not bothering his walking right now. 

One Fish, Two Fish, Blue Fish, Orange Fish - A Fish Story

So earlier in the summer, we decided to try keeping a fish as a pet.  We started with a beautiful blue Betta fish, who we named Ole Blue.  We waited a few weeks and that seemed to be going well so we wanted to make a real commitment and buy a small aquarium and give Ole Blue some friends.  But we found out that Ole Blue doesn't like friends.  So he stays in the fish bowl by himself.  And we have an aquarium with a couple tropical fish named Orange Fish & Yellow Fish.  Then our area parks held their annual Goldfish Catch.  Which is not very easy to catch one of 400 goldfish in a small wading pool.  But we got one and we named it New Fish.  We put New Fish in the aquarium with Orange Fish and Yellow Fish because they like friends.  But sadly, New Fish only lived a week.  Our most recent addition is an Algae Fish, who we call Sucker or more dramatically Suckahhhh. The End (until the next fish). 

Shakey Bridge

At the beginning of the summer, I took Kevin to this playground and it had his favorite, a Roller Slide but in order to get to it he had to cross the Shakey Bridge.  The first time we went, I had to help him across with every step and he was really really unsure of his footing.  But now he can do it himself and I even put more shake in the bridge by jumping on it.  Which is so much fun!


Fun Day at Put In Bay

Uncle Steve is my Buddy

Boys Day Out

Jon took Kevin and Ryan out for some fun.

I hear Kevin loved the Bumper Cars

Water Guns!

Kevin's hand on the trigger

And it wouldn't be complete without an arcade

Lots of Tickets

Girls Day Out

Brigette's Bridal Shower

Why Kevin loves roller coasters!

If you remember Kevin doing this part of his program,
then you know exactly why Kevin loves roller coasters! 


Even this one

The Thrill of the Little Dipper Roller Coaster Ride

Memphis Kiddie Park Adventure

We've been to the long standing Memphis Kiddie Park a couple times this summer.  This is a great place to take younger children.  It is inexpensive and totally kid friendly.  And the best part was that Kevin was capable of riding most of the rides...even without ME!  It took a few deep breathes to release him onto a ride all by himself where I couldn't be right there with him.  But I did just fine.

They had one of Kevin's favorites, a Carousel Ride.

And a family favorite, a Train Ride

Kevin went round and round on the Airplane Ride

He went round & round and up & down on the Rocket Ride

He took a whirl on the Jeep Ride that spun individually.
He was really holding on tight to that one!

He went up and around on the Ferris Wheel

But his FAVORITE, was the Little Dipper Roller Coaster.
We rode this 3 times during one of our visits.

He was laughing hysterically with me during this ride.

A Very Happy Father's Day indeed.

Feeding the Ducks

Kevin must have really developed a good throwing arm from his Ceiling Fan Game because he is much better at feeding the ducks this year.  He can even throw backwards and get his picture taken at the same time!

Ceiling Fan Game with The Muppets

Here we are at my parents house and Kevin is playing the Ceiling Fan Game with his cousins and found that The Muppets work very well.  That's Beaker on the fan blade in the first photo. And Fozzie in Kevin's hand in the second photo.  And I believe Gonzo on the fan blade in the third photo.

The Ceiling Fan Game

Ceiling fans have been an obsession of Kevin’s for a long time.  We never turn them on in our house because of this but of course he knows that they turn and can be turned on.   Whenever he sees a fan anywhere he is always searching for how to turn it on and sometimes succeeds.  So Kevin continues to problem solve at home with our fans on how he can get these blades to turn and the chains to swing.  When he was younger and smaller he could charm some of our volunteer friends into lifting him up to the fan blades to turn them. Or on those special occasions when helium balloons are in the house he found a way to use them to get the blades to turn. But what's a clever boy to do when there are no balloons, no one willing to pick him up, and Mom's not ever going to turn that fan on. Well there's this ball here that I can throw it up to the fan and try to hit the blades. He can do this over and over and over and over again. Nearly exhausting his arm from the repeated throwing. My clever little man will try different types of balls to determine which one works best for throwing and get that blade to turn. He laughs hysterically when he is able to get the blades to move or when he gets a ball to land on top of the blade or in this case (in the photo below) between the light fixtures. And then he needs to find another ball to knock that one down. So at some point the balls began disappearing (don't look at me!), but this did not deter Kevin. He tried all kinds of things to throw to determine if they work or not. Books he discovered not so much, especially when one fell down on his toe damaging his toenail. He even brought his bed pillow downstairs to try that. That didn’t work so well either...but the smaller pillows on the couch...now we got a winner. So I'm not crazy about this ceiling fan obsession but I do love watching him problem solve trying to find items that work. Also watching him balance himself to repeatedly bend over to pick an item up off the floor and then quickly straighten up to throw it up to the fan with good aim. And when we were at my parents house visiting it became a social game with his cousins. So it's not all bad, I guess.