Friday, August 10, 2012

Dear Mustard Seed Market

Dear Mustard Seed Market

My son and I shop at your Montrose market every week, often on the same day and at the same time.  My son, Kevin is seven years old and is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.  After a stressful and discouraging first two years of his life on the traditional path, we found a better way to help him on his healing journey which of course includes a natural and nutritious diet. 

We live in Cuyahoga Falls, and have a few markets available to us to purchase our natural and nutritious food but a few years ago we discovered that Kevin LOVES your store!  We are willing to go “the extra mile” because we enjoy and look forward to our visit to your market every week.  In fact, there are times when we leave the house and if we are not going to your market and I drive another way, Kevin protests always wanting to visit your market. 

The people that you have working in your market are caring and friendly.   From the moment we walk into your market, the employee stocking produce will greet Kevin with a smile, as we walk throughout the market we are greeted by more smiles and friendly faces.  And at the checkout, cashiers and baggers will greet Kevin and some even call him by name and give him a “high five” or handshake, especially Dave. 

I have been telling this story all summer and I still get happy tears in my eyes when I think of the kindness that we receive in your store from a particular employee in your market, Christina.  If Christina is working when we do our shopping and not busy at the time we check out, she will take time to greet Kevin.  Kevin does not speak yet, but I am teaching him some basic sign language.  Christina knows and uses sign language with Kevin.  She will often ask Kevin if he would like a piece of fruit and will use the sign for the fruit she offers him.  Well it was a very proud day when Kevin was able to sign back to her that he wanted the apple.  And I laughed the day when we came up the last shopping aisle towards the check out and Kevin saw Christina and immediately signed apple to her before she even had a chance to greet him!  I love that Kevin feels special and even receives an occasional treat that he can actually have.  Christina is a true gem and I appreciate and am so grateful for the time and attention that she gives to Kevin.  She will be forever known to us as the “Apple Lady”.

The organic produce and products you stock in your store are top quality but the real reason that we shop in your store is for the top quality employee’s that bring a smile to my son’s face every time we shop in your market. It means more to us to shop where my son is seen as a person, receiving dignity and respect, rather than going to a chain store that is closer in location to us, where we are just another face in the crowd.