On February 26, 2006 we attended a Healing Service where Dr. Issam Nemeh and his wife Cathy placed their hands on our son Kevin to receive a healing. It was a very moving experience that renewed our faith and began to give us hope never realizing what was in God’s plan for us.
On February 28, 2006, very early in the morning I received my healing. This is when Kevin gave me my first hug that I had been yearning for, for some time. We attended the healing service because we wanted a healing for any one of the many challenges Kevin had but for me to receive a single hug that strengthened my mind and spirit was my healing.
In March 2006 (one week after the healing) Kevin stopped holding the food in his mouth. He began to swallow and eat his food easily and finally reached twenty pounds. At 12 months of age Kevin weighed 16 pounds. The Monday after the healing service he weighed 18 pounds. He had only gained 2 pounds in 5 months but only two weeks after the healing service he gained another two pounds, weighing in at 20 pounds. It was no longer a chore to feed Kevin. We continued to work with him and had been successful in getting him to slowly gain weight by spoon feeding him thickened formula and baby food. Kevin was also tested for food allergies and the results revealed allergies to milk, eggs, nuts, and wheat.
All the while Kevin’s seizure medication continued to increase. By April 2006 Kevin’s Klonopin medication was at 4.5 mg a day. It was at this time that we sought a third opinion from a Neurologist regarding Kevin’s seizure medications. We were concerned that the Klonopin medication may be causing Kevin to be more floppy and also adding to his feeding and swallowing difficulties. Our new Neurologist agreed and we began weaning Kevin from his Klonopin medication of 4.5 mg a day. As we began decreasing the medication, Kevin’s seizures became less frequent and his last seizure was on August 14, 2006.
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