Friday, October 22, 2010

Kevin's FHC Evaluation (October 18 & 19)

Kevin is chronologically 72.5 months old (6 years old) and based on the Integrative and Developmental Progression Chart his neurological age is now at 19.6 months. Compared to his first FHC visit six months ago, his neurological growth rate is 115% faster this period. His degree of injury is still severe and extensive in the bilateral brainstem, limbic, and cortex area of the brain.

Integrative & Developmental Progression Chart Changes

Seeing & Reading – Displays a fast pupil contraction reflex in both eyes

Sensation & Tactility – Partially Achieved: Feel and identify an object by its physical characteristics (hard, soft, round, flat) with each hand

Manual & Writing – Partially Achieved: Use both hands together, cortically opposing the thumb and finger; build structures using blocks; begin basic dressing and undressing

Emotional & Social – Nearly Achieved: Enjoys playing interactive games; miss parents/ objects when moved out of sight; start to imitate behavior; assert position/begin to test boundaries; experiment with a variety of objects; transition smoothly from one situation to another

Kevin received his second Craniosacral Fascial Therapy session. During our last visit, Kevin’s brain was not breathing at all which is typical for brain-injured kids. The brain expands and contracts in a rhythm, the bigger the expansion the better, 120 being ideal. Kevin’s brain was breathing at about 100 during this visit. So the necessary fluids are traveling effectively through his spinal cord and central nervous system.

We also met with the medical doctor/homeopathic who made some adjustments to his current remedies to help Kevin with continued wellness.

The foot doctor recommended a new pair of orthotic inserts for Kevin’s shoes, now that he is not “toe walking”.

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