Friday, August 12, 2011

Crossing the Street

Yesterday, Kevin and I were sitting out on the porch after a day of program.  Some girls, from across the street came over to say hello.  After our visit with them, Kevin and I came inside the house to warm up dinner and take it back outside to eat.  I took his meal out of the fridge, popped it in the microwave for 1 minute (literally) and prepared his vitamins and tray to carry everything outside onto the porch.  As I was standing at the front door balancing the tray to step outside the door...who did I see across the street walking his way up our friends driveway...MY KID!!!  In the short amount of time that it took me to warm up his meal and get back to the front door, he had exited the front door, down the porch steps, down the driveway, CROSSED THE STREET, and was proceeding up the neighbor's driveway.  How many times have my neighbors seen me practically dragging him across that same street to go for his walk??!!  Thankfully, when I looked out and saw him across the street there were no cars...definitely a blessing considering that it was about 5:15 pm when our street traffic picks up with people getting home from work.  When Jon got home from work and I told him this story, he told me to call a friend and go out for a drink.  CHEERS!  Well, Kevin is definitely showing signs of more independence...we just have to work on safety too.

1 comment:

  1. Oh No! How scary for you....but good at the same time. Talk about testing his boundries! Looks like it's time to teach him look both ways before you cross. And I'm pretty sure he was chasing the girls....he's such a charmer ; )
