Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Dr. Nemeh - October 6, 2015

In August, when we were at our last appointment with Dr. Nemeh and scheduling the next appointment they offered October 6 and I immediately said that date was Kevin’s birthday. Mrs. Nemeh offered another date and I said no, I couldn’t think of a better way to spend Kevin’s birthday. Jon’s Mom spent the day with us and went to the appointment with us. 

Unfortunately, after the diagnostic Dr. Nemeh told us that another injury had occurred to Kevin’s neck and spine. This is very troublesome for me. I am now extra aware of this and cannot remember any major falls, except for a few stumbles. It is very unlikely that I would not be aware if Kevin had a fall. I began wondering if there could be another way that Kevin could be causing this injury besides a fall. Dr. Nemeh pointed out the disc on his mid back that was sticking out and after treatment it was fixed. After our session, we went to get a bite to eat with Grandma before going home. Kevin had on nylon shorts and when he went to sit on the booth, he slid right down to the floor - like 20 minutes after treatment! It didn’t seem like a bad fall but still not good after being aware of falls. Then 3 days later he was walking down the steps and I heard him fall from the last step. Kevin was very upset and grabbing his leg in pain. I was worried something was broken and I grabbed the holy water our friend had given us and said a prayer. He seemed fine afterwards with just a small bruise on his shin. So we shall see what comes of this and how the rest of the 8 weeks goes until our next appointment with Dr. Nemeh.

Otherwise, the appointment went well. Dr. Nemeh was pleased to hear of the new things Kevin was doing that I posted in the September update. Kevin continued to be verbal during the appointment - which is starting to feel normal now :)  Dr. Nemeh told us to continue to use the KT kinesiology tape for Kevin’s left foot. We have been very grateful to have help with that from a knowledgeable friend from church. 

At the end of our appointment, Dr. Nemeh said how much better Kevin’s left foot looked after treatment - more flexible and straighter. And so I made the comment “so there’s still hope”. I think I was trying to say it with with a period or exclamation point but it came out more like a question. Dr. Nemeh said firmly to me “Keep the faith, Mom, keep the faith.” He said miracles continue to happen every day now more than ever - he has patients that are regrowing fingers! So of course, his comment made me feel a little confused and for the next few days I began questioning myself if I had the faith. I know I have peaks and valleys but I do try my best to stay hopeful and faithful through it all. In fact I had been feeling proud of myself for not feeling down or worried about Kevin and his future during this birthday this year. There have been so many small positive improvements with Kevin that it’s hard not to be hopeful and grateful for it all. All is well and all in God’s time. 

I don’t think I have mentioned this yet - Philip Keller (Trapper the radio guy) has a website/podcast if you want to hear about “real people and real miracles” at

Here’s a description from the website:
Do you need a miracle?  Is there a secret to having prayers answered? What is the key to being on the same page as God?  Could someone actually have a relationship with God to the point that they knew they were being directed by the Holy Spirit?  Those were my initial questions. They are answered very powerfully in each podcast.

These podcasts and blog are to showcase real people telling their real miracle stories. Adding to that, is the inspired commentary of Dr. Issam Nemeh. He prays, and things happen. It is only logical that the God who is performing these miracles is also inspiring Dr. Nemeh’s commentary. Perhaps you need to hear or read something that is on these pages.

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