Sunday, May 1, 2016

Two steps forward - One Step Back

On Monday, April 18 - Kevin had an excellent walking day. I took a video of him walking around the block. It was the longest and fastest I had seen him walk. He had a great stride. I was feeling so hopeful!

On Thursday, April 21 - Kevin walked into his physical therapy appointment and could barely walk out at the end of the session. I think the therapist may have stretched his foot a little too much. So we've had a set back. For 3 days Kevin couldn't walk and couldn't tolerate wearing the brace. I could attempt to put on the brace but as soon as I attached the straps around his foot - he wanted the brace off. By Sunday, he was able to tolerate wearing the brace for short periods of time but still wasn't really walking on it. On Monday, he was still limping while walking with the brace. Such a disappointment!

On Tuesday, April 26 - Kevin had an appointment with Dr. Nemeh. I was so thankful that this was scheduled and was hoping that the treatment would help Kevin's foot heal and get him back to walking. After I told Dr. Nemeh the set back we were having with his foot, he made the comment that he could see a change in his left foot. I wasn't sure if he meant a good or bad change and when I asked, he said "Good" - I wouldn't tell you if it was worse." He said the left foot looked straighter and less curved. Hopefully a combination of Dr. Nemeh's treatments and walking with the AFO brace. During treatment, we noticed some new blood vessels showing in a few different areas of his left foot that we had never seen before during treatment. This means that the blood was flowing and providing oxygen and circulation to his foot - a good thing! Unfortunately, he also found the repeated injury to Kevin's back like in our other visits.

Dr. Nemeh was pretty talkative during our session. He talked a little bit about some projects he has been working on with NASA to develop better treatments. I've heard some of this on the podcasts that he does on Blind Faith Live. I talked about some of the confusion I experience with Kevin and healing. I pray that Kevin is healed one day but sometimes I get confused and I think well this is the way God made him so maybe I just need to accept the way it is. I'll try to remember as best I can what Dr. Nemeh said to me. He said, No, Jesus wants everyone to be healed, Jesus is perfect, His love is perfect, and He wants that for us. People without faith are healed to have faith. Those with faith need to keep growing in their faith. He told me to remember the story of Jesus healing the man born blind in John 9:3 Jesus answered, "Neither he nor his parents sinned; it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him." All for the glory of God. - I'll keep praying!

Photo before Dr. Nemeh's treatment that may
be showing where Kevin's foot was injured. 
I didn't want to lose the progress we had made with Kevin cooperating with putting the Mollii suit on while his foot was still healing and unable to do his exercises or walk any real distance. So I had him stand and help me in the kitchen and walk a small amount around the house and bounce the big green ball. He's really good at bouncing that ball.

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