Monday, August 1, 2016

Vacation Bible School

Kevin participated in VBS for the first time this year with 109 kids. This was a very new experience for him (and me), he adjusted and adapted (so did I), and I am so very proud of him! He didn't last the entire first day but we only had to leave about an hour early. But by Wednesday, he wasn't even wearing the noise-cancelling headphones. He did well in the opening and closing which could get very loud and even tolerated some very loud microphone feedback. He enjoyed going to Bible Adventures and the Video group with skits and science experiments and some of his favorite people. We normally joined in the music group twice because he loved it so much and skipped games which he didn't have much interest in - except on the day they did the parachute - which was so much fun! We are so grateful for the people of our church and the new experiences we had with the new friends we made this week. Thank You!

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