The adapted trike he was riding last year had a seat-back with safety belts, loop handlebar, pedals with straps, and a pulley system to make pedaling easier.
New bike features: a cruiser-style with step-thru frame; 17" frame and 26" wheel size; larger seat; swept back handlebars; handlebar brakes; shifting gears...and of course stabilizer training wheels.
At this time, I can walk while Kevin bikes because his speed isn't very fast. The pedaling is more challenging than the adapted trike, even in a low gear but he is doing very well. His left foot slips off the pedal at times but he does a great job putting it back on the pedal...I'm hoping he will make progress in this area. I am really pleased that the handlebars seem to be a good fit for his left hand...even when it slips off he is usually able to put it back on...this is a new skill for him! He does all his steering with this right hand. The handbrake is necessary so I can use it to slow him down if we come across a downhill...but thankfully we don't live in Pittsburgh so most of our biking is flat terrain. The bike does very well on our neighborhood sidewalks...bumps and all. Kevin just sometimes needs a little more umph to get going. It is also fairly easy to get on and off the bike with the step-thru frame. I'm so excited to see what kind of progress he makes this season on his new bike.
Way to cruise Kevin 🚴♀️