Tuesday, July 31, 2012

One Fish, Two Fish, Blue Fish, Orange Fish - A Fish Story

So earlier in the summer, we decided to try keeping a fish as a pet.  We started with a beautiful blue Betta fish, who we named Ole Blue.  We waited a few weeks and that seemed to be going well so we wanted to make a real commitment and buy a small aquarium and give Ole Blue some friends.  But we found out that Ole Blue doesn't like friends.  So he stays in the fish bowl by himself.  And we have an aquarium with a couple tropical fish named Orange Fish & Yellow Fish.  Then our area parks held their annual Goldfish Catch.  Which is not very easy to catch one of 400 goldfish in a small wading pool.  But we got one and we named it New Fish.  We put New Fish in the aquarium with Orange Fish and Yellow Fish because they like friends.  But sadly, New Fish only lived a week.  Our most recent addition is an Algae Fish, who we call Sucker or more dramatically Suckahhhh. The End (until the next fish). 

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