Sunday, July 30, 2017

June/July Music Therapy

Kevin got to try some new instruments during his recovery.

Kevin's new favorite - Lap Harp

Melodica - another new favorite instrument
Kevin started blowing on his hand to say that he wanted this instrument
although he is unable to blow air into the instrument he loves to play the keys

The black and white photos were taken by the music therapy owner at Groovy Garfoose. It was her second visit with us to observe Kevin and his music therapist. She said she sees a lot of change in Kevin since he first started music therapy. Here is what she wrote to me: "It was an absolute JOY to watch Kevin respond to music therapy a few weeks back.  I'm thrilled they have bonded so quickly and that he is gaining so much from therapy with her...language, communication, fine and gross motor, hand-eye coordination, and lately, a diversion from all he has been through.  It seems like it is a bright spot in his week, not only for him but you. :)  Thank you for the privilege to serve your family!"

June Art

June 20, 2017 - Pinwheels, Flower Pot
Kevin was opening and closing the dot markers all by himself. While he was doing this, he even said CLOSE on his Talker for the first time. Kevin also said BED, just when I was going to say that he looked tired.

June 28, 2017 - Popsicle Stick Flag, Fireworks, Orange Rock
This was 6 days after Kevin's hip surgery and 3 days after we were home from the hospital.
Painting rock orange

American Flag
Making fireworks with paint and fork
First time using glitter!

Happy 4th of July!
Kevin painted an orange rock for Uncle Gerry
the winner who guessed Kevin's cast color

June 30, 2017 - Uncle Sam Hat

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Hip Photos

The surgeon made a cut in the femur bone and now the femur is turned directly toward the acetabulum (which is where the ball of the femur head fits into the socket of the hip). He made another cut at the acetabulum and opened it up and swung the acetabulum so it's covering the head and filled it with bone graft. He used a titanium metal plate and screws to hold it all together. The coverage of the femoral head was less than 50% before surgery and now it is 99% covered. The doctor is very happy with the results. 

One of the reasons for casting his legs is due to muscle spasms. It's been hard to wrap our head around the fact that the hip doesn't need to be casted and it is ok to move his hips...while we turn Kevin through doorways and he shifts around...just no weight bearing for 6 weeks while the hardware and bone graft set in. 

Before Surgery Dec 2015

After Surgery JUN 2017
Prone position - belly button down
Supine position - belly button up

One week after Hip Surgery

One week down.
Three more weeks with casts. 
Five more weeks non weight bearing. 
We can do this!

Kevin is doing very well. He is comfortable in the different positions we have found for him on the bed, recliner, couch, bean bag, and porch. He seems to have accepted his new way of life and we have found a new routine at home. We just need to keep him busy and entertained with visitors, toys, movies, books, music, iPad, art and music therapy. Transfers are a little easier as far as planning out the position and route and moving items in the house. When Jon is home, he lifts the the trunk and I lift the legs. When Jon is at work, I take the trunk and the helper lifts the legs. Even though it's not bad lifting Kevin with two people...I was feeling completely exhausted at the end of the day on Thursday and some of Friday. I'm making a good effort to take care of myself and was able to leave the house for a Friday evening yoga class and I had a massage on Tuesday at the house. On the weekends, I'll get a little more of a break with Jon home.

Kevin's left leg began swelling again when we returned home from the hospital. I realized it was due to me fastening the diapers too tight. Oops! I fastened them as usual to avoid leaks but it was too tight around his hip. I stopped Kevin's pain medication Tuesday morning and he doesn't seem to be uncomfortable or in any pain...except for a couple days on the commode were pretty awful. Despite doing the enemas, it still took Kevin a whole week to have any results. I don't like waiting until Jon is home from work to start this process and God provided the perfect person to help me get it done in the morning. So now we can have a relaxing evening with Jon. 

In preparation for the surgery, we got a 6 foot, 66 pound bean bag lounger, it's filled with squishy foam. On the bean bag, we are able to put Kevin in a position on his belly, so he's not always on his bum. 

My parents left on Wednesday. Jon's mom comes down one day a week to help me out. I've been able to call on friends to help me transfer Kevin during the days and we haven't got stuck yet. We love visitors so please feel free to stop by and say hello, even if you are driving by and can only stay for 5 minutes. It puts a big smile on Kevin's face and mine.

Home Photos

Maybe Kevin chose the color orange for his casts as a caution sign...WIDE LOAD coming through.