Sunday, January 17, 2016

A couple amusing occurrences

A couple amusing occurrences with Kevin I wanted to remember.

There has been a time or two that Kevin has been upstairs “playing” not really playing but doing what he does upstairs during free time - opening the 2 empty bedrooms to go room to room, taking the magnetic covers off the furnace vents, turning lights on, turning ceiling fans on, and opening the window blinds. Anyway, a couple times while he was upstairs messing around I went to the bathroom downstairs and (don’t judge) didn’t flush the toilet. Kevin immediately and as quickly and safely as he can comes down the stairs, barrels into the bathroom and flushes the toilet, and then immediately turns around to return to what he was doing upstairs. I can’t believe that while he is upstairs and I am downstairs - he hears me pee and pays attention to the fact that I didn’t flush. Super sonic hearing boy!

The other occurrence that amused me was the day I put his Mollie suit out to wear. FHC had kept the suit’s control box to update and tweak after our November revisit. We received it back around the holidays and I didn’t bother trying to add that in around the busyness of the holidays. So one of the first normal days in January I put the suit out on a chair in his program room. After breakfast, I was finishing up some things in the kitchen. Kevin was “playing” upstairs and I walked through the program room and the suit was gone! I was so surprised. My first thought was did he hide it!? - that’s what I would’ve done if I were him (LOL). I went upstairs and casually took a quick look in each room, knowing he wouldn’t have really hidden it well. So I was a bit stumped for a couple minutes until I went in the office. The storage box that I keep his suit and knee pads in was still in there because of making room for guests in the house. Kevin had put the suit in the storage box - where it belongs - but where he wanted to put it away and not have to wear it. As it turned out, he didn’t wear it that day because our helper wasn't able to come over and I was not about to struggle putting Kevin in that tight mollie suit when he didn’t want to wear it after our nice long break. I waited until the next day when Grandma was here. He was upset and mad but did it. And just to clarify, he is not upset about having to put on the mollie suit but having to put it on and get back to work - do program - we all get that feeling after a break and the first day back to work or school - right!? :) Luckily, Kevin is a little more cooperative having someone else around as opposed to just me. And I am happy to report that he continues to cooperate just fine. He enjoys listening to his new Peanuts Snoopy music while walking the track with the mollie suit on. 

We’ve noticed something new in regards to Kevin and play. A few times he has been around his (almost) 3 year old cousin and Kevin has been more interested in being with him while he is playing with a toy - this might be parallel play. There is even some taking back and forth from each other which creates an opportunity to learn sharing. Another step forward. I also loved hearing Kevin playing in the basement alone one day. I heard some old toy noises. He had pulled out a few of those shake and go cars. I love seeing him doing this all on his own, no prompt from me. He found it and chose to play with it all on his own. 


  1. That is so uplifting to hear Kevin is continuing to learn how to live and enjoy life in his own way. Very cool. Tara
