Monday, December 5, 2016

A Happy Thanksgiving and a Sad Goodbye

We have much to be grateful for this year and had a very happy Thanksgiving with my family at their home. As usual, Kevin was very happy and excited to be visiting family. He enjoyed being with Grandee and Pap, his cousins, and the uncles and aunts. We even got to have all the cousins overnight at Grandee & Pap's house. We arrived on Wednesday and had planned to leave on Saturday but ended up leaving on Sunday instead. When it was time to leave Grandee and Pap's house to go home, Kevin was very sad and crying. He has never done this! I've always said that as happy as he is to visit family he has always been equally happy to return home. It's a three and a half hour drive home and Kevin was still crying 20 minutes after leaving my parents house. So I crawled to the back of the car to get his movie player. I was surprised that playing his favorite movie didn't make him happy right away -he did eventually calm down and enjoy his movie but it was sad to see him so upset to leave the family.

This new emotion is happening at other times. He seems to be very sensitive to other people's feelings. If Kevin hears a baby crying in a store - the tears well up in his eyes. As my family, even my young nieces and nephews, will tell you - the tears well up in my eyes easily too - I call them my love tears. I have to be extra careful about this emotion around Kevin now so I don't cause him to get upset. We also saw this happen when we took him to see Beauty and the Beast, he got upset when the actors were acting scared or upset.

I think this is a good thing...that he is showing this new emotion...but I am also wondering if this is the start of adolescence...? Which I am not even ready to think about yet. I'm still waiting for him to achieve childhood milestones...and so it's not easy to think about him progressing to this new stage of life before catching up. I know...I can't stop it...but I'll need time to wrap my head around this and stop the tears from my eyes. For now, I'll just consider this new emotion as progress on his healing journey and be grateful for it.

1 comment:

  1. How fortunate Kevin is to have parents who are so sensitive and alert to the changes he goes through . . . . God has led you this far and will continue to lead. Merry Christmas!
