Thursday, June 22, 2017

In Surgery Thursday 2:30pm

We were scheduled to arrive at the hospital at noon. I was with Kevin as he fell asleep to the anesthesia at about 2:30pm. They put in an epidural first and then the surgeon began the hip surgery at 3:30pm. The doctor said his part will take 2 hours and 45 minutes. So we are planning on about 4 hours with epidural and waking up afterwards. They will leave the epidural in while we are in the hospital. So the doctor said he'd try to keep us here until Sunday so we have the epidural as long as possible before coming home to help with Kevin's pain.  Please continue to keep Kevin, surgeon, and medical staff in your prayers. Thank You!

Yesterday, was the first day of summer and Kevin's last day of freedom for a little while. I've been encouraging Kevin to play in the basement and outside on the porch as much as possible. These last couple weeks we have been blessed to fill our days with lots of sunshine and porch time. We are so grateful to a couple friends who invited us to swim in their pool...which is Kevin's favorite summertime activity! And we met his cousin at our favorite all-accessible playground.

Yesterday, we started our day with Grandma and went to the theater to see the movie Trolls. It was a perfect start to our day with that positive and happy movie and music. We got a bite to eat with Grandma afterwards and then she read some books to Kevin while I ran a few errands. A little later Grandee & Pap arrived and Kevin said LOVE on his Talker!!! We went to our favorite vineyard for a lovely meal outside and beautiful evening.

Since we didn't need to leave the house until 11:00am this morning, Kevin got to snuggle in bed with Grandee and Pap after I grabbed a few snuggles myself. He also got a nice long bath! As we left the house I didn't have the heart to announce we were on our way to the hospital but Kevin knew something was up. We had read the book I made him about going to the hospital for surgery. He was not making his happy sounds as we got on the highway, like he normally does. And when we arrived at the hospital it was easy to tell he remembered being here in January for his foot surgery. He didn't sit down in the waiting area until after waiting an hour. He wanted to stand near the exit door while watching the water fountain and xylophone player below in the lobby. We can't believe he didn't try to run out the doors. Walking back to the room was emotional for Kevin and consequently me. But things moved pretty quickly and there was not any waiting between all the doctors and nurses getting their information. We were able to wait to put the wrist bracelet on him until after his "relaxer" medicine because he was very agitated by it last time. Kevin had his spoon to calm himself and I was really impressed he didn't drop it once. So grateful for my parents being with Jon and I today. .

I'll try my best to update when he's out of surgery.

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