Tuesday, August 22, 2017

6 Weeks of Inpatient Intensive Rehab

Kevin was admitted to Children's Hospital on August 7 for Inpatient Intensive Rehab for six weeks...through September 15.

It is crucial that Kevin receive the therapy he needs to ensure his January left foot surgery (achilles heel lengthening and big toe fused) and June left hip surgery are as successful as possible. It is our hope that from the surgeries and intensive therapy we will see an improvement in his walking...specifically the in-toeing on the left foot. I am so proud of Kevin, he is working very hard to gain strength to walk again and learning lots of new skills!

Kevin receives Physical Therapy (PT) twice a day. He is working on building up his strength (especially in his hips), endurance, and independence with walking. At this time, Kevin is wearing the solid (wedge) AFO (ankle foot orthotic) brace and he can stand, transfer, and walk increasing distance with a gait trainer which allows him to feel safe and supported. They are working on a longer stride, no in-toeing from the left foot, and no hip swaying. They try to keep it fun and motivating for Kevin by taking him outside to walk, using the therapy dog, and the day they put him on a bike to work on strengthening...Kevin had a big smile...and I had big happy mama tears!

Kevin receives Occupational Therapy (OT) twice a day. They are helping Kevin with everyday skills and improving on his ability to do some of these tasks on his own or with minimal assistance. I am so impressed with the ability he has gained in just two weeks. He is learning to put on his shirt, socks, brace, and shoes. Pull up/down his shorts. And wash himself. It takes a lot of patience...on both sides. They are also working on getting him back on his hands and knees to hold the position and strengthen his hands, arms, and shoulders. Some work is also being done with this left hand to strengthen and gain some more use and mobility to begin using it as an assist.

I am feeling very positive about having this experience even though it means we are in the hospital but I'm making the most of it! I am bringing up anything and everything to work on and get support with while we are here. Here's some more big news...we started toilet training for the first time...something I never gave up hope on doing one day. It is going well. They tell me he might always need to be on a schedule but we are pleased and impressed with his progress so far.

While we are inpatient, Kevin is also receiving Speech Language Pathology (SLP) once a week. We are able to continue with the therapist that we have been seeing over the last year with his Talker/Communication device. He was so happy and excited to see his therapist friend that he used the word FAMILY with her.

This week we are adding in water therapy once a week. I am very excited for this opportunity to learn more useful exercises to do with Kevin while in the pool. Not to mention that Kevin will be so excited to get in the water!

Some of the other team members for inpatient rehab includes the Physiatrist who specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation, the Behavioral Psychologist to help with adjusting to changes and school related issues (she may be able to assist me in getting Kevin an IEP...something else that's been on my to do list for a scholarship opportunity), and lots of other people to help along the way including the social worker, child life specialist, and lots of nurses. Kevin shows them all his winning smile and charms all of them.

As you can imagine, Kevin is tuckered out at the end of the day. We have a nice little routine down for our hospital stay. We snuggle in bed while watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy and before it's 8pm...Kevin is telling me TIRED, SLEEP, BED on his Talker. I try to have the lights out by 8pm and within a few minutes he is fast asleep the entire night. The nurses don't bother us during the night and let the rehab patients get their sleep. They come in first thing in the morning, so we might take a little time to snuggle in morning if our therapy doesn't start too early. We've also been reading a chapter book and taking walks outside a couple times a day. We have even been able to resume our bath time routine here...which I'm sure feels good with some epsom salt to help with any muscle soreness he might be feeling. He is eating well, all those meals I was thankfully able to cook and freeze ahead of time. I am so grateful that we have a small fridge and they were even able to provide a microwave in the room for us.

So it's all good! Kevin is doing great! He adapted with no problems. He was sad the morning before we left the house to come to the hospital but once he knew it wasn't the surgery hospital but where we go for therapy and dance he was totally fine. Plus he can watch the movie Moana on the TV in his room!

I was very happy and relieved to find out we get a day pass to leave the hospital on Sundays and Saturday afternoons after morning therapy, but we have to be back to spend the night. On Saturday mornings Jon comes in to check out what Kevin is doing in therapy while I go home to do laundry, gather more supplies, and get outside with a friend to take a hike. This past Saturday we went to our favorite winery for lunch. On Sundays, we go to church and hang out at the house for a little while. Kevin missed his toys! The second Sunday we were home Kevin was getting very brave and confident moving around the house. When it's time to return to the hospital, Kevin whimpers a bit but once we are back and watching a movie (Moana!) he is happy as can be again.

Thank you for your continued prayers, cards, and best wishes as we make the most of our time here. I am so grateful to Grandma for bringing me extra supplies and continuing her once a week visit...which allows me to go for a massage (after sleeping on the hospital couch bed). I am also very thankful for my friend Kristen who has been my runner...brining me things I need from the house during the week and staying with Kevin so I can get to a yoga class once a week. Her smile and positivity is always a welcome sight.

By the time I got around posting this..we have 2 weeks down and only 4 more weeks to go!

Day 1 in a stander

Week 2 in gait trainer 

Dog therapy

Big Happy Mama Tears Moment

Moana...make way

Tuckered Out!

Is that comfortable!?


  1. Wow, that all sounds so very encouraging. Prayers, Love and Light continuing to come to you all. Tara

  2. Six weeks sounds so long. From experience, long hospital stays really drag, but looking back you forget the time and marvel at the blessings of treatment and care. Keeping you in our prayers. Go Kevin!

    1. Doing my best to stay positive and count our blessings along the way. It really is going fast. It doesn't feel like a typical hospital stay as we are so busy with therapy. I've barely opened a book to read myself. lol
