Saturday, February 17, 2018

Surgery on Monday, February 19, 2018

Kevin is having surgery on his right leg (the good leg) for Bone Growth Restriction.

Kevin's left leg grows slower than his right leg. He has had a leg length difference that has been adjusted by his shoes. We knew that the hip surgery (last June) was going to shorten his left leg even more and that this next surgery might need to be considered. The leg length is about an inch and a half inch difference and the right leg will continue to grow faster than the left increasing the discrepancy. The surgery procedure is to restrict the bone growth in the right leg. Restricting the growth of the longer bone, enables the shorter bone to continue to grow and prevent the longer bone from creating even more growth difference between the two legs...and best case scenario...maybe one day it will even out.

Description found on the internet:
BONE GROWTH RESTRICTION (also called epiphysiodesis)
Bone growth takes place at the growth plates (physes) at each end of long bones.
The surgeon makes a cut over the growth plate at the end of the bone in the longer leg.
The growth plate may be destroyed by scraping it to stop further growth at that growth plate.

It can be overwhelming to think about Kevin having his third surgery in 13 months. Based on the information we have been given I trust this is the right decision. I feel less anxious because I know what to expect now that we have been through surgery twice...but for Kevin, this will probably be my biggest worry...that he knows what to expect when we go to this hospital. He was very much aware of where he was when we went back for the second surgery last June. He became very anxious and once they took us back from the waiting room he was heartbreakingly sad which made my job to be a strong mama even more difficult. Kevin's orthopedic assures us that this surgery will be nothing compared to what he went through last year. I'm not sure I have a way for Kevin to understand this once he connects it...all he will focus on is his past experience. I made him a book to help prepare him for his other surgeries but I think this time that might do more harm than good. Instead, I've been positively talking about the upcoming surgery around him. I've packed items that may help ease his anxiety...stimming spoons, essential oils, music, and family photos. The surgery is outpatient and the procedure will only take about one and a half hours. No casting and no limits on weight bearing...just as tolerated by pain with about a week recovery. I think the tricky part is that this is his good strong supporting leg that will be recovering. Proper timing of having this procedure is important for best results based on growth. We hope and pray the timing is right for Kevin. It is our hope that by deciding to do this outpatient surgery we will avoid a much bigger and painful surgery later in life.

Please keep Kevin and the doctor and nursing staff in your prayers for a successful surgery and recovery to help Kevin along his journey. Thank You! Many Blessings to you!

1 comment:

  1. Hey kevin its ashlee and matthew from dance. Just wanted to say hope everything goes well today and prayers for a fast and speedy recovery.
