Saturday, March 25, 2017

Community Theater Experience

We went to a community theater play to see Kevin's sitter/art teacher and her family perform in a version of Snow White. There was an actor that was sad and crying for her part in the play and this greatly upset Kevin. I had to move us to the back of the room to try and get him under control. Jon asked why I didn't just leave and bring him home - I waited until Regina came out on stage and Kevin was fine after he saw her. It seemed like a good opportunity since he knew a whole family of actors on stage to hopefully start to make the connection that during a play the actors are pretending and they are really okay and not hurt or upset. Kevin is very sensitive if he sees a live person upset (sad, scared, mad) he gets upset - on stage or in public when a baby cries or if his mama cries. He does not have the same reaction when watching someone upset on television or in a movie.

Love this family!

I didn't cut his nails that week

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