Saturday, July 1, 2017

Hip Photos

The surgeon made a cut in the femur bone and now the femur is turned directly toward the acetabulum (which is where the ball of the femur head fits into the socket of the hip). He made another cut at the acetabulum and opened it up and swung the acetabulum so it's covering the head and filled it with bone graft. He used a titanium metal plate and screws to hold it all together. The coverage of the femoral head was less than 50% before surgery and now it is 99% covered. The doctor is very happy with the results. 

One of the reasons for casting his legs is due to muscle spasms. It's been hard to wrap our head around the fact that the hip doesn't need to be casted and it is ok to move his hips...while we turn Kevin through doorways and he shifts around...just no weight bearing for 6 weeks while the hardware and bone graft set in. 

Before Surgery Dec 2015

After Surgery JUN 2017
Prone position - belly button down
Supine position - belly button up

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